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Introducing DOIs to PLS Clear

We are pleased to announce that we have just launched DOI integration within PLS Clear.

What does this mean for publishers and requestors of copyrighted content? Read on to find out more...

PLSclear Search

We have upgraded PLSclear’s search functionality so that requestors of copyrighted content can now:

  • Conduct a PLSclear search using a DOI
  • Use non-English language characters in the PLSclear search and online permissions form
  • Search for URLs that include the page pathway, allowing them to search for an exact website page, post, file, or article.

DOIs & Quick Links

With the integration of DOIs, publishers can now embed a link directly onto a chapter or article page onto their website using PLSclear’s Quick Links. This will direct requestors straight to the PLSclear form where they can request to reuse a specific book chapter or journal article, simplifying the permission seeking process.

Data Warehouse

We've created a Data Warehouse, with feeds from Crossref, to store millions of DOIs and other metadata. This will put less pressure on the service and allow us to scope future developments.

DOIs and Account Manager

Publishers can now add DOIs to their PLS account on Account Manager. They can also view and download reports listing all DOIs linked to their account.

Tagging DOIs & PLSclear's Programme Manager

Publishers can tag and group DOIs so they can apply specific licensing settings in PLSclear’s FOC, FPL, and, if applicable, STM programmes. DOIs can also be excluded from these settings.

Knowledge Hub

For information on any of the above, please do log into your PLSclear account and go to the PLSclear Help for Publishers Knowledge Hub.

You can also contact us by email on